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You will be sent invitations to join all of the blogs that we use to make the ISA Web site. You will need to click the link in the email and create a "Google Account" (if you do not already have one) which will allow you to log in to all of the blogs. Once you accept the invitation I will go ahead and give you administrative privileges for all of the blogs.

The pages that act as true blogs are the News, Opportunities and student bio pages (note we have very few student bios). We just post to them when we get them.

The Events page is an inverted blog. I have JavaScript that displays the posts in reverse order (going forward in time instead of going backward in time) and then stops showing an event as soon as it is past. To post an event on the event blog you need to do two things differently than a regular blog:
1) You need to choose "Post Options" at the bottom of the Edit window and set the date of the post to be the date of the event. You do not include the event date in the body of the post.

2) Do not use any ' in the post. You can use ' in "Edit HTML" view instead. This is because I write the posts into JavaScript Strings inside single quotes and putting single quotes inside the strings messes it up.

Once I give you admin privileges on the blog you can update the list of officers on the "Current Members" blog. The officers names and office can be found under the "Settings" -> "Basic" tab in the description box. You can leave the html tags the same and just change the officer names.

If we add other future stuff to the site we can easily update the template for each of the blogs to add links to the new pages. Blogger also can associate a domain name with a blog now so the club could consider buying a domain name for the site. They are cheap and the hosting is still free.